
Saturday, 28 December 2013

Egypt’s Coup-Constitution and Proposed Referendum

Since the ouster of Egypt’s first ever democratically elected President, Mohamed Morsi in the July 3 Military coup by his army Chief Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi, the nascent democratic constitution legislated under the Morsi’s rule was under suspension. According to coup-leader Sisi’s roadmap, he declared on July 3, 2013 in his coup declaration that the Junta regime would only amend few laws of the 2012 constitution. However, not only has this roadmap been changed now, but the charter panel has drafted an entirely new constitution to give Al- Sisi and his deep-state everything they demanded from them.

Egypt’s Junta appointed constitution drafting committee submitted the amended draft to the Junta appointed interim President Adly Mansour on 3 December 2013. Interestingly, the drafting committee was headed by Mubarak era Foreign Minister and former Secretary-General of Arab League, Amr Moussa who had placed fifth in the first round of 2012 presidential election with 11.13% of the popular votes, which eventually had been won by deposed President Mohamed Morsi in the second round. Fascinatingly enough, Amr Moussa has an exceptionally elongated experience of serving the boots in the Mubarak era Egypt.

Egypt’s State owned newspaper al-Ahram reported on December 14 that the Junta appointed Interim President Adly Mansour has announced a national referendum on the new draft of the constitution to take place on 14-15 January. The new charter will be the replacement of the 2012 charter drafted by the democratically elected constituent assembly during the presidency of now jailed President Mohamed Morsi. The new draft aims to replace the 2012 constitution, which was approved by a referendum in December 2012, with 64 per cent of the votes where turnout was 33 per cent.

Speaking at the ceremony at Ittihadiya Presidential Palace in Cairo, Amr Moussa said that the panel had drafted a “balanced constitution” that provided freedoms, rights and separation of powers. “This is a constitution that clearly criminalises any form of discrimination against all citizens and ensures national unity,” said Moussa. “The new constitution also protects freedoms of belief, opinion, and creation, which preserves intellectual property rights, and which provides gender equality,” he stated.

Egypt’s dreaded interior minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, had warned earlier this week that any attempt to disrupt the referendum will be stopped, “[if necessary] by using firearms”.

It is worth mentioning here that the Junta appointed 50 members constitution drafting committee consists of many amateurs including movie actors and directors. Famous Egyptian director “Khalid Youssif” who filmed 30 June protests from an army helicopter was rewarded with place on 50 members constitutional drafting panel. Famed Egyptian actress called “Elhame Shien” who is known for hatred of Morsi & Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and started a campaign against them was also rewarded with place on 50 members panel. Even the spokesman of the committee Mohamed Salmawy, acted as an extra in an old Egyptian movie “Shanabo fi Al-Masiada”.

Interestingly, Mohamd Salmawy advocates the rights of the almost, nonexistent religion on the land of Egypt. He indicated that the 2012 constitution, drafted by an Islamist-dominated constituent assembly, stated that “the right to exercise one’s religious rites and establish places of worship is guaranteed for the three heavenly religions only: Islam, Christianity and Judaism.”

According to Salmawy, international statistics show that one third of world’s population is members of “non-heavenly religions” and that a lot of Muslims live in countries where the official religion is not Islam or Christianity.

Egypt’s Coup constitution has changed a lot of things. It is now very easy for the army to use their military tribunals for any small argument any civilian might have at a petrol station owned by the army or any other business owned by the army. It is mentionable that the army own thousands of business everywhere in Egypt.

Laws enacted by this Coup constitution gives the minister of defence total immunity and security in his job for the next 8 years, which is twice the period of any elected president. Furthermore, only the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) will be allowed to appoint or change the minister of defence and no president will be able to touch him. Coup constitution doesn’t allow anybody to have access to military budget, including the president of Egypt, which will allow army to carry on robbing more than 60% of Egypt’s wealth. Coup constitution also gives any future president extra powers in declaring state of emergency without the Parliamentary approval

It is basically designed to give Sisi and his coup-gang some legitimacy while selling it to the west as part of their so called road map which should eventually lead Egypt to “real” democracy as Sis and his gang are falsely claiming to the west. Unfortunately USA and EU are pretending to believe them and turning a blind eye to their crimes, so that they could continue with their aid package to Egypt, which the west and Israel benefit from and are keen to keep dealing with Egypt without any democratic government if they have to and have no choice but to accept.

The Coup regime has set dates for referendum on their illegal coup constitution which is 14th &15th of January in the New Year. This date was deliberately chosen before 25th of January which is the 3rd anniversary for the 25th January 2011 revolution. The coup gang knows that any date after the 25th of January could be a big disaster for them, since they are expecting another big revolution on upcoming 25th of January.

The anti-coup camp in Egypt is in a big dilemma now. If they join the vote and say a big no, they will be giving some undeserved legitimacy to this illegal coup regime who will definitely film them queuing to give their votes and still fix the outcome of this fake referendum. On the other hand if they don’t join in, this will give the pro coup camp an easy victory. After long debates, most anti coup camps have decided not to take part in this show after it has been known to everybody that the coup regime has no intention of losing this referendum on their illegitimate constitution.

Suffice it to say here that the proposed referendum will surely get good percentage of votes as referendums and elections have always been the mockery in the region where past despots used to get more than 90 per cent of the franchised votes. The Junta drafted constitution is more rigorous and inhumane than the Mubarak era constitution with a full set of draconian laws.

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