
Friday, 25 October 2013

Erdoğan’s Morally Correct Stand on Egypt & Syria

Prolonged Arab awakening and its reverse in Egypt had put Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan into immense complexity. The country presented by its leader as a role model of Muslim democracy, is now facing a paraxial situation from Syria to Iraq and from Egypt to Iran. Turkey, once a trouble shooter of the region, is now embedded in regional chaos, where almost every country in the region is unstable. Prolonged Syrian civil war, Egyptian coup, Iraq’s sectarian strife, tensions with Iran on regional issues and, last but not the least, growing uneasiness with Arab monarchies that are now in opposite camp supporting the military coup in Egypt whereas Erdoğan vehemently opposed the coup against Islamist leaning President Mohamed Morsi.

Ever since the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (pronounced Rajab Tayyab Erdogan) led AK Party (AKP) came to power in 2001, Turkey has started looking increasingly to its Muslim and Arab Eastern neighbours. Prime Minister Erdoğan has personally shaped excellent rapports with various regional leaders, including Basher Al-Assad, Ahamdinejad of Iran, and the late Ghaddafi of Libya. His personal efforts have put Turkey in the core of Middle Eastern geopolitics and simultaneously improved Turkey’s commercial and political standing in those countries.

From the time when the Arab uprising against dictators started in the spring of 2011 and reached the Syrian hinterland, Erdoğan personally tried to direct Al-Assad to solve the crisis but he forgot that Al-Assad is an ingrained dictator and would not take his advice sufficiently seriously. Erdoğan personally felt disregarded when Basher Al-Assad did not heed to his advice and refused to implement the reforms advised by Erdoğan and his foreign minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

The ‘zero problems with neighbourhood’ policy architected by foreign minister Davutoğlu suddenly turned into ‘zero friends in the neighbourhood’ as Al-Maliki of Iraq also started bickering against Turkey on Iran’s behest. Now Turkey is in a war-like situation with Syria, diplomatic strife with Iraq and Iran and has seriously troubled relations with Israel, even after the accomplishment of long awaited apology. Another huge setback was the Egyptian military coup that has severely crippled Erdoğan’s regional manoeuvres.  The entire Middle Eastern schematic that Erdoğan has shaped in the last 10 years has been fatally disturbed by the regional upheaval.

Undoubtedly, it is imperative for Turkey to emerge victorious from the Syrian quagmire for its own standing in the Middle East. It is extraordinarily difficult for a country like Turkey to live in the atmosphere of animosity in the bewildered region because Turkey is expected to lead the region politically and diplomatically. I am of the belief that Turkey’s North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-European (EU) partners have put Turkey in a situation where she can neither withdraw herself nor can she act militarily to cleanse the Syrian swamp.

Fist the coup d’état and now the bloody massacre of anti-coup, pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt has exacerbated Erdoğan where he likened the new military leader Al-Sisi to Pharaoh. The regional pro status-quo consisting of US-EU-Israel and Arab monarchies openly backing the coup has isolated Erdoğan. It remains to be seen how Erdoğan would manage his country’s relationship with the GCC monarchies who are the foremost backers of military coup in Egypt. Turkey that has been at odds with Iran on Syrian issue is now also at odds with Saudi Arabia on the Egyptian coup. It will turn out to be a humongous task for Erdoğan to manage the souring ties with two regional heavyweights on two different issues.

The Syrian crisis has opened the Pandora’s box of Shia-Sunni conflict in the entire west Asian region that was long subdued due to the US invasion of Iraq, Israeli-Palestine conflict and Turkish-Iranian bonhomie in the pre-Syrian crisis period. Now the region has divided along sectarian lines, where Sunnites are Supporting Sunnites and Shiites are backing Shiites. The problem has taken a sectarian tone from Yemen to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia to Syria and Iraq to Lebanon. The Syrian crisis has turned the greater Middle East in a Shia-Sunni turf war in which one side has Iran, al-Maliki, Hezbollah and al-Assad and the other has the Saudi-Qatar-led GCC and Turkey.

This bloody sectarian conflict will not be resolved in next few months or years. As the geopolitical events unfold, we will witness a quasi-permanent fratricidal intra-Islamic sectarian war for decades in the west Asian region, culminating into major cartographical changes. The US strategic retreat from the Middle East and pivot to East Asia will finally allow history to reemerge in the Middle East uncontaminated by the hegemonic order imposed by the Western-US’ hyper-power.

Many Turkish experts are of the opinion that Erdoğan has hastened his disenfranchisement with the brutal regime of Bashar-Al-Assad. He should have moulded his policies in a way that provided him the prominence of regional statesman so that he could mediate in the ominous sectarian conflict as a neutral power broker. By getting involved in the crisis he has become a part of problem himself and misplaced the advantage of neutrality for solving the impending sectarian catastrophe in the region.

Suffice it to say that though isolated in the region, Turkey of today under Erdogan’s leadership has set the benchmark of democratic and ethical governance in the most unstable region ruled by west backed despots. Turkey is the only country in the region that took equally tough stand against the dictator of Syria and Egypt’s coup and now the junta regime. Morally correct stand of Erdoğan administration, in the wake of regional crisis will pave the way for a stronger Turkey in the post status-quo Middle East and North Africa.

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